Thursday, March 4, 2021

World Obesity Day


Obesity is defined by excessive amount of fat in the body. A BMI of 30 and above often falls into the “obese” category. Not just a cosmetic concern, obesity is a major risk factor for several health concerns including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, stroke, heart diseases, liver ailments and osteoarthritis.
Let's fight against Obesity as the roots of obesity are complex.
It's time to take action – together.
Dr. Ashish Gautam is Senior Consultant at Yashoda Hospital Ghaziabad provides comprehensive surgical treatments with compassionate care and personal touch and He is one of the best Bariatric Surgeon in Ghaziabad, Indirapuram, Noida
Click here to know more:

Monday, March 1, 2021

Dr. Ashish gautam


Varicose Veins Treatment


वेरिकोस वेन्स पैरों में मुड़ी हुई और सूजी हुई वेन्स होती हैं जो लाल, नीले और बैंगनी रंग की हो सकती हैं। नसों में एक तरफ़ा वाल्व होता है, जिससे यह सुनिश्चित होता है कि रक्त हृदय की ओर बहता है। यदि वाल्व कमजोर या क्षतिग्रस्त हैं, तो रक्त बैकअप कर सकता है और नसों पर दबाव को अधिभारित कर सकता है। इस अतिरिक्त दबाव के कारण वेरिकोस वेन्स बढ़ जाता है।
सर्जरी के पारंपरिक रूपों की तुलना में, लेजर उपचार के परिणामस्वरूप कम दर्द और तेजी से रिकवरी होती है।
Dr. Ashish Gautam has established the endovenous laser surgery for disease of varicose veins(disease of veins of lower limb) in Yashoda Hospital Ghaziabad.
click here to know more:
Dr Ashish Gautam
Chief Surgeon & Head of Department of Surgery
Yashodha Super Speciality Hospital, Ghaziabad

Friday, September 25, 2020

Healthy tips for your growing children


Learn some helpful and healthy tips for your growing children by joining #Facebook & #YouTube Live with Dr. Ashish Gautam - Sr. Consultant, HOD (Surgery) Post Your questions below!

Dr. Ashish Gautam
Chief Surgeon & Head of Department of Surgery
Yashoda Hospital Ghaziabad

Monday, June 8, 2020

Dr. Ashish Gautam

स्तन विभिन्न ऊतकों से बना है, बहुत फैटी ऊतक से लेकर घने ऊतक तक। इस ऊतक के भीतर लोब का एक नेटवर्क है। प्रत्येक लोब छोटे, ट्यूब जैसी संरचनाओं से बना होता है, जिन्हें लोब्यूल्स कहा जाता है, तथा जिसमें दूध ग्रंथियां होती हैं। छोटी नलिकाएं ग्रंथियों, लोब्यूल्स और लोब को जोड़, लोब से निपल तक दूध ले जाती हैं। स्तन कैंसर तब शुरू होता है, जब स्तन में कोशिकाएं नियंत्रण से बाहर निकलने लगती हैं। कोशिकाओं का एक द्रव्यमान या एक चादर बन जाता है, जिसे ट्यूमर कहा जाता है। स्तन कैंसर आम तौर पर दुग्ध नलिकाओं की आंतरिक परत में या उन्हें दूध की आपूर्ति करने वाले लोबूल में शुरू होता है। ट्यूमर घातक है यदि कोशिकाएं ऊतकों के आस-पास (आक्रमण) में बढ़ सकती हैं, या शरीर के दूर के क्षेत्रों में फैल सकती हैं (मेटास्टासिस)।
नियमित रूप से स्तन कैंसर की जांच के बाद और कुछ लक्षणों और संकेतों को देख, उनके बारे में अपने डॉक्टर से परमर्श करने पर महिलाओं का स्तन कैंसर का निदान होता है।
Dr Dr Ashish Gautam is expertise in Breast Cancer Surgery and has done more than 2000 plus surgery
Know more consult Dr Ashish Gautam
Chief Surgeon & Head Department of Surgery
Yashoda Hospital Ghaziabad

Saturday, April 18, 2020

How New Technology Allows Major Advances in Varicose Veins Care?`

Varicose veins are the veins in the body that start functioning abnormally due to structural
dilation or enlargement. Although they are usually present in the lower extremities, varicose
veins may be found anywhere in the body. Their occurrence is more frequently observed in
the legs due to an increased pressure carried by the veins as the person stands or walks

Leg muscles have the capability of pumping blood back to the heart against the rule of
gravity. A pair of valves is present inside the veins to prevent the backflow of the blood.
These valves are unidirectional in nature and open towards the upper side only.

In the case of varicose veins, these valves get damaged and lose their ability to open in a
unidirectional manner. They become a two-way street for blood flow. The blood low in
oxygen and rich in toxins starts rushing back. The toxic blood does not get circulated
properly and starts accumulating in the veins resulting in their dilation.

Varicose Veins: Signs and Symptoms

Usually, varicose veins do not show any symptoms in its initial stage. But the patient
may experience the symptoms after a few years. The following symptoms should not be
ignored and must be informed to the physician if they occur occasionally:

  • Heaviness in the lower extremity (which may get worse at night hours)
  • Pain in the legs
  • Telangiectasia (spider veins) in the affected leg
  • Inflammation in the ankle (which may increase in the evening)
  • Skin discoloration near the affected area 
  • Stasis dermatitis or venous eczema
  • Cramping of the legs while standing or walking suddenly
  • Shrinkage of the skin above the legs

Risk Factors

The following factors may increase the risk of varicose veins:
  1. Age: Ageing causes the valves inside the veins to wear and tear, which causes the blood to flow back into the veins.
  2. Sex: Females are more likely to develop varicose veins. Hormonal changes, menstruation, and pregnancy are some of the factors that increase the risk of developing varicose veins in females.
  3. Family history: Individuals with a family history of varicose veins are at an increased risk of developing it.
  4.  Obesity: Obese people exert more pressure on their legs, which may result in varicose veins.

Varicose Veins: Some Lifestyle Changes

  • Avoid standing for prolonged periods of time
  •  Lose weight or maintain a healthy weight
  • Exercise to improve your leg strength
  • Refrain from crossing your legs for extended periods of time
  • Elevate your legs whenever you are resting or sleeping
  • Wear compression stockings as it increases the blood flow to your heart Treatment

Treatment of Varicose Veins

Endovenous Laser Treatment is a simple treatment that closes the varicose veins. A laser is threaded through a tiny incision made in a full-length varicose vein. This laser energy generates heat which destroys the vein by causing it to collapse and seal shut. As the laser is slowly withdrawn, heat applied to the vein walls causes the veins to permanently close and disappear.

Thus, all the abnormal dilated damaged veins are burnt off. These burnt veins heal with fibrous (permanent sticking) and thus abnormal superficial veins are not used in blood circulation. The body reroutes the blood through healthier veins. No other tissues in the legs are affected in the process. Surgeons discuss the procedure in details after they determine that it is appropriate to treat your varicose veins by laser intervention.

What are the advantages of Laser Treatment?

  • Higher success rate and low recurrence rate
  • Minimal invasive procedure and minimal pain
  • Less No Scar
  • Faster recovery
  • Minimal postoperative pain
  • Day care surgery procedure